The Three People Who Inspire Me To be More Productive

Hello Friend! If you were following me on Facebook you’d know that I promised two blog posts this week because I failed to post anything last week. This was due to the fact that I was designing my new website! It’s not perfect yet, but it is up and running and that’s the important thing. Anyway back to the point at hand. I want to write a little bit about the people who inspire me and the people that have helped me become a more productive content creator. If it wasn’t for these people then this blog wouldn’t exist. So I feel it’s only necessary for me to extend thanks to the content creators that have inspired me.


CGPGrey was probably the first content creator whose work really stood out to me. I’ve been watching his youtube channel for years now and it’s consistently interesting, hilarious, and most importantly, informative.

The School of Life

The purpose of School of Life is to educate people in all the things that modern schooling fails to do. I love watching their videos on philosophy and anything else that they put out. Their videos about internet addiction have been especially beneficial for me.

Thomas Frank

Discovering Frank’s work has been the most influential when it comes to productivity and scheduling my time. Having proper time management has been the number one thing that’s affected my life for the better, and I can thank Frank for helping me achieve this goal.

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed learning more about the people that inspire me.
