Best of 2021

I’m happy with the images I made in 2021, but I believe my best work is yet to be made. I ‘m excited to see how my photography is going to change in 2022. Recently I’ve been looking through my old work and thinking about how it’s evolved over the years. I think to recognize yourself and your work as evolving is good. Anything that stagnates dies. My goal for 2022 is to photograph as much as possible, work as hard as I can to further my education, and work towards being the best person I can be.

Remember to make the most of what you have.

Kite Festival, Citadel Hill

Tanner from More Amour band at Oasis

Jordan from More Amour band at Oasis

Kris juggling

bird on horseshoe island

Erika and her dog

Malcolm at Go Skate Day

Abstract tree

Birds on rooftop and sun

Sunset at Colpitt Lake