Imagine if we only had two weeks left to live…

Imagine if we only had two weeks left to live…

Pretty grim, I know. But with the coronavirus becoming increasingly present I think it’s important to reflect on how we live, and what kind of life we want to make for ourselves.

Are we really building the best possible lives for ourselves and the community? Is there anything we’ve left undone? Do we really have much time left?

I typically get annoyed when I hear people say “live every day like it’s your last” because it can’t really be achieved. But the truth is we really have no clue if we’re going to live another day. And if we don’t get busy living, we’re wasting the precious time that we do have.

 If you’re like me you sometimes need a reminder to get off your ass and go back to work. 

So I have a solution…

Starting today this photo will be available as a poster on redubble. Consider it a momento mori, a reminder that death always hangs over us. Don’t Fuck Up! 

Available in two sizes small, 24 inches, and large, 33 inches.

I know it’s obscene, but sometimes a bit of humor is just what we need. We all have goals, and everybody gets lazy sometimes. Some people like myself enjoy having a kind of visual reminder to get back to work.

To be honest I don’t really believe all of these elitist ideas that one life is better than another, or that working hard will get you into some kind of cosmic group of virtuous souls.

I’ve read that ancient Mayan philosophers didn’t believe in assigning good or bad virtues to human actions, they simply accepted the fact that it’s easy to “slip up” in life. To fall into bad habits or behaviours. 

I believe if we want to move forward in our lives we need to get over the idea of ourselves or others being intrinsically evil or good. We need to accept the fact that we’re all flawed human beings. I just thought you may enjoy a bit of a reminder to not fuck up, hung on your wall.

Also here’s a 16 x 9 crop of the image if you want a free background for your computer/laptop.

Don’t Fuck Up!

And thanks for your time.