What I’ve learned in 2017

Hello everyone! The new year is almost here and I wanted to take this time to reflect on all of the things that made 2017 great. The new year is a time to spend with family and friends, a time to be grateful for what we have, and a time to look forward about how we can make 2018 even better. I want to thank Tom Cochrane and Frank Hallahan for letting me interview them  (Frank’s interview will be posted soon!), it was an experience that was extremely beneficial to me and I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to learn from their experiences and share their ideas on art and life.

I’ve started shooting in color

-For the past year and a half I’ve shot primarily in black and white. 2017 has been the first spark of color in my photography. I have a few images that simply needed to be presented in color. I still consider myself a black and white photographer, I’m terrible with color, but that might change in the future.

I’ve started this blog

-It’s hard to explain just how influential starting this blog has been to my life. It’s added structure to my life. This has in turn made me start to post more on social media and I’ve started writing recreationally. I write just to put my thoughts onto paper (or bits), I write because I love it, and I write because I want to share my ideas. Writing my thoughts down has forced me to think, it’s forced me to question how I really feel about a particular topic or idea. This extra creative outlet has made me extremely happy.

I moved to Newfoundland

-okay technically that was in 2016 but for the sake of this blog post we can say that I spent the entire year in Newfoundland. This has given me immense appreciation for what I had in Halifax and it’s given me (pardon the pun) a newfound appreciation for life in small towns. Corner Brook has my family. I’ve learned so much about them that I never would of learned if I hadn’t moved here. I’m glad I got to spend time with my pop before he passed away (insert link).

Thank you.

Thank you to everyone that reads this blog. I hope you had an amazing 2017 and may the new year bring you even more happiness.